ADHD and sleep in children
Up to seventy percent of children with ADHD suffer from problems with their sleep . . .
Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder
This is a sleep disorder where you keep going to bed and waking up too early . . .
Ageing and sleep
If you are over sixty it will come as no surprise to hear that sleep changes as we age . . .
Anaesthesia and sleep
Sleep is natural. When you have met the need for it, it will finish by itself . . .
Anxiety and sleep
It is important to understand that waking up at night is normal. Everyone does it . . .
Most children need to wear a nappy or protective pants at night to avoid wetting their bed . . .
Body clock
It might surprise you to know that your brain has a kind of clock in it. This keeps things ticking . . .
Causes of inadequate sleep
Many people do not realise how important sleep is. Instead, they may think of it as a waste of time . . .
Central Sleep Apnoea
While asleep, there may be pauses in breathing, which are called apnoeas . . .
Childhood sleep problems
The most common issues are: Not getting into bed; not settling into sleep; not staying in their own bed . . .
Childhood snoring
A child with sleep apnoea almost always snores. They may struggle to breathe and have restless sleep . . .
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
People with CFS are more than “just tired”. They suffer from an intense fatigue . . .
Common sleep disorders
Insomnia is when it is hard to get to sleep or stay asleep. Often, the cause is discomfort from an illness . . .
CPAP is Continuous Positive Airways Pressure. It is the most effective way to treat sleep apnoea . . .
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) is a disorder where you find it harder to go to sleep . . .
Dementia and sleep
Dementia causes a set of problems that are related to each other. These include memory loss . . .
Depression and sleep
If you keep feeling hopeless, helpless and sad, then you could have clinical depression . . .
Humans dream every night. Our brains are active throughout the night . . .
Drowsy driving
Many people drive while they are drowsy. Some are able to recognise that there is a problem . . .
Drugs and sleep
Caffeine is a drug that acts as a stimulant, both mentally and physically . . .
Excessive sleepiness
Everyone has days when they feel more sleepy than normal. Sometimes you know why this is the case . . .
Fatigue as a hazard
Often people use them as if they do mean the same thing. Both are linked with feeling “tired” . . .
Good sleep habits
Good sleep habits are often referred to as good sleep hygeine. There are many things that can be done . . .
Herbal remedies and sleep
About forty percent of people use alternative or complementary medicines at least occasionally . . .
Idiopathic hypersomnia
The main symptom of idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) is feeling sleepy during the day . . .
Nocturia is the need to get up during the night to urinate, thereby interrupting sleep . . .
Insomnia is said to be present when you regularly find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep . . .
Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in the brain . . .
Menopause and sleep
Many women report that it is more difficult to sleep well during the menopause . . .
Menstrual cycle and sleep
Up to seven in ten women say that their sleep changes just before their period . . .
If we don’t have enough good quality sleep, we may feel tired and sleepy during the day . . .
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder of excessive daytime sleepiness . . .
Nightmares are vivid scary dreams. They tend to wake you up . . .
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction . . .
Periodic Limb Movements
Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep (PLMS) is when your legs or arms move when you’re asleep . . .
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
There are many sleep problems that may be associated with PTSD . . .
Pregnancy and sleep
Pregnancy is a time when you need to pay particular attention to your health . . .
REM Sleep Disorder
REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder (RBD) happens when you sleep. It can lead to talking and shouting . . .
Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a problem where you feel significant discomfort in your limbs . . .
Schizophrenia and sleep
Schizophrenia is a mental illness. About one in one hundred people have it. It affects thoughts . . .
Generally, the body is programmed to sleep best overnight and to be most alert during the day . . .
Sleep across a lifespan
It is well known that as children get older they need less sleep. Different people have different sleep needs . . .
Sleep disorder breathing
. . .
Sleep mistakes
Some of us can get away with changing the times we go to bed and get up . . .
Sleep myths
In fact, the brain is very busy during sleep. Among other things, it sorts and processes information . . .
Sleep problems in children
Your child might have a behavioural sleep problem. These tend to be linked with . . .
Sleep study
A sleep study is a medical test. Sleep is monitored to assist with the diagnosis . . .
Sleep terrors
Sleep terror disorder means very strong feelings of terror and panic during sleep . . .
Sleep tracker technology
High tech wrist watches and smartphone apps have been developed to help monitor . . .
Sleeping tablets
Sleeping tablets work on pathways in the brain which are important in regulating . . .
Sleep walkers tend to move about in their deep sleep. They may get out of their bed . . .
You snore when some parts of your throat vibrate. This only happens when you’re asleep . . .
Surgery for OSA
Surgery in adults with OSA should only be a last resort. As a rule, it is only worth . . .
Teenage sleep
Teenagers’ sleep tends to be less regular than the sleep of adults and young children . . .
Teeth grinding
Bruxism is the habit of clenching, gnashing or grinding your teeth. Your teeth . . .
Travelling with CPAP
CPAP treatment for sleep apnoea may not be the most convenient thing to use . . .
Treatment options for OSA
As the causes of sleep apnea vary there is no single treatment that works for everyone . . .