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You are high risk
Do not be alarmed. Sleep apnoea can occur at any age, with up to one third of the adult population affected by the sleep disorder.
People with sleep apnoea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes stopping hundreds of times a night, with events lasting form 10 seconds to over a minute. Disturbingly, most people are unaware of these apnoeas as do not always trigger a full awakening.
Sleep apnoea can cause a wide range of health consequences. Thankfully, sleep apnoea is treatable and improvements in technology and methodology have not only made treatments more effective, but also much more comfortable and affordable.
What next?
As your health may be at risk, it is important that you undergo formal testing for sleep apnoea and get an in-depth assessment unique to you.
This testing process is not invasive or expensive. In fact, because you have been assessed as having a high risk of sleep apnoea, you are eligible for a bulk-billed home sleep study.
To undergo a bulk-billed sleep study you will need a referral. Download the referral below and take it to your GP (or simply ask your GP to provide one). Synergy Sleep accepts all referrals.
Please do not put this off. The sooner you get assessed, the sooner you can find the proper treatment necessary to keep you healthy and happy.
What if you do not act?
If left untreated, sleep apnoea can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, memory problems, impotence, depression, dementia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight gain, morning headaches, mood disorders, and hormonal imbalances. Untreated sleep apnoea may also be responsible for job impairment and motor vehicle crashes.
Email your assessment
You are medium risk
Do not be alarmed. Sleep apnoea can occur at any age — even as a child — and it is as common as diabetes, with a third of the adult population affected by the sleep disorder.
People with sleep apnoea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes stopping hundreds of times during the night and often for a minute or longer for each event. Disturbingly, you are unaware of these breath stoppages because they do not trigger a full awakening.
Sleep apnoea can cause a wide range of health consequences. Thankfully, sleep apnoea is treatable. Improvements in technology and methodology have not only made treatments more effective, but also much more comfortable and affordable.
What next?
As your health may be at risk, it is important that you undergo formal testing for sleep apnoea and get an in-depth assessment unique to you.
This testing process is not invasive or expensive. In fact, because you have been assessed as having a medium risk of sleep apnoea, you are eligible for a bulk-billed home sleep study.
Please do not put this off. The sooner you get assessed, the sooner you can find the proper treatment necessary to keep you healthy and happy.
What if you do not act?
If left untreated, sleep apnoea can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, memory problems, impotence, depression, dementia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight gain, morning headaches, mood disorders, and hormonal imbalances. Untreated sleep apnoea may also be responsible for job impairment and motor vehicle crashes.
You are low risk
Thank you for completing this risk assessment. Based on the answers you provided, you have been assessed as having a low risk of sleep apnoea.
It is important to note that this does not mean you do not have sleep apnoea or cannot get sleep apnea in the future. It simply means you will need to be assessed by a sleep physician before undergoing any form of sleep study.
Do you experience any of the following?
People who score low on a sleep apnoea risk assessment can suffer from sleep disorders known as parasomnias, these are disruptive sleep disorders that occur during SWS and REM sleep.
Parasomnias can result in undesirable physical or verbal behaviours, such as sleep talking, sleep walking, night terrors, sleep eating, sleep paralysis, bedwetting, and sleep hallucinations.
It is important that people with these, or similar symptoms, speak to their doctor.
If you are known to experience any of the above, it is best to be monitored in a lab environment where your movements can be filmed for further analysis. This is significantly different, as home sleep testing does not offer video capture while being assessed. Synergy Sleeps expert staff can give you advice and arrange for a lab-based sleep study on your behalf.